For all leathers, natural imperfections such as slight variations in color and texture can occur. However, while we kindly ask for your appreciation and understanding that these make up the natural beauty and unique character of your shoes, we are perfectionists ourselves and honestly differentiate between natural characteristics and straight out flaws. Discarding a shoe doesn’t align with our understanding of sustainability, but of course each pair undergoes precise examination to meet our quality standards.
All shoes will show signs of wear sooner or later, but there are ways to preserve their beauty and length of life. Therefore, our styles have an individual care section on their product page and are delivered with a care tag. For further questions and in case of particular problems, please feel free to contact us. First, let’s look at some general useful guidance on your road to shoe happiness:
- No matter how much you love a certain pair, it is always a good idea to take breaks from wearing to allow for recovery.
- Always remove dirt before applying care products and start as gentle as possible – If needed, you can step up your game to tackle serious problems.
- Store your shoes at room temperature in dry spaces, protect them from direct exposure to sunlight and avoid the collection of dust. Ideally, use shoe stretchers or stuff your shoes with undyed paper so that they keep their shape.
- When traveling with your shoes, pack them safely into their dust bags and let the outsoles face one another.
- Use different cleaning cloths for different shoes as colors may stain.
- After cleaning and caring for your shoes let them sit for a day before you wear them again.
To put it bluntly, leather is preserved skin. Just as you take care of your body’s skin, take care of your shoes’ skin. The softer the leather the more delicate your treatment should be. Smooth leather can be cleaned with a damp cloth (and some cleaner solution or multifoam). Follow up with leather milk / balm or shoe polish. Patent leather can be cleaned with soapy water and polished with a dry cloth. Don’t rub too heavily on metallic leathers as you don’t want to damage the coating. Gently treat with a damp cloth and in case of doubt ask a professional (us ☺). Any dirt or dust should be removed from suede leathers before getting them wet. To do so, use a brush with soft bristles and brush in the same direction. Stubborn spots of dirt can be treated with a suede eraser. Once any surface dirt is removed, you may use a damp cloth (and some multifoam). Let your shoes become fully dry in a natural, warm environment and then brush to restore the fibers. As a last step, a water repellent protector can be used.
Now that we’ve done everything to nourish the leather uppers of our shoes, let’s round things up and talk about non-leather parts like elastic inserts or outsoles. Elastic inserts can be wiped down with (soapy) water while outsoles should be cleaned according to their material. For PU and TR outsoles, a cloth and soapy water will do, for EVA outsoles add a toothbrush into the equation. Magic erasers work wonders on any kind of rubber outsoles.
Still not sure? No worries! Get in touch with us and we’ll figure it out.